
Paloma Arribas


Paloma Arribas has been a partner at BAYLOS since 2019. Previously she provided her services in Albiñana & Suárez de Lezo, Abril Abogados, IECISA (Informática de El Corte Inglés) and Pons IP in the field of data protection, new technologies, e-commerce, intellectual property and technology transfer performing advisory functions for the adaptation to data protection regulations, execution of regulatory compliance audits in this area, participation in strategic consulting projects for the management of intangible assets and elaboration of Business Secrets Protocols. Her background in law firms and technology consulting firms gives her a broad vision of clients, adapting to their processes and offering them practical solutions for the protection of their intangible assets.

Paloma has extensive experience advising media, digital companies, marketplaces and e-commerce. She carries out projects of adaptation to the General Data Protection Regulation and the Organic Law on Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights and advises on the application of the new regulations.

Paloma is an accredited Data Protection Delegate according to the Spanish Data Protection Agency scheme, handles proceedings before the Spanish Data Protection Agency and the courts and advises in general on information protection and intangible asset rights.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Valladolid (2001).

  • Practising lawyer since 2005.

  • Certified as Data Protection Officer by the AEPD scheme (2019).

  • Certified as Data Privacy Professional by ISMS Forum and Data Privacy Institute (2019).


Paloma has been mentioned by specialised directories Best Lawyers and Leaders League in the area of Data Protection, Industrial and Intellectual Property.


  • Member of the Madrid Bar Association.

  • Member of the APEP (Spanish Professional Association of Privacy).

  • Member of the DENAE (Spanish Association of Entertainment Law).

  • Member of the ASEDA (Association for the Study and Teaching of Copyright).


Collaborator in financial press and specialised publications. Some of the published articles include:

  • "Google News returns. The birth of a new right in light of Royal Decree Law 24/2021". Industrial/Intellectual Property Yearbook 2023. Ed. Tirant lo blanch.

  • "Secreto empresarial e industria del videojuego". Chapter included in the treatise "Derecho de los videojuegos". 2023. Ed. Aranzadi.

  • Collaboration in the treatise "Derecho de la moda en Iberoámerica (Fashion Law)" (with the sections on image rights, data protection and valuation of intangible assets of the Spanish chapter. 2021. Ed. Aranzadi.

  • Data protection. The trilogy” in the LA LEY PRIVACIDAD journal no. 4 (April-June 2020). Publisher Wolters Kluwer.

  • Collaboration on the book “Engineering and Intellectual Property” from the Intellectual Property Collection of the publisher Reus.

  • Spanish Society of Authors and Publishers vs Padawan S.L.” (Part I and Part II). Published in E-Commerce Law Reports, volume 10 issue 03 and 06. 2010.

  • Architectural work as artistic creation. Public utility versus copyright”1st and 2nd Part. With Ignacio Temiño Ceniceros. Published in Industrial Property and Competition Law Communications. No. 50 (April-June 2008) and No. 54 (April-June 2009). Edited by the Institute of Industrial Law and Ethics.


She is a speaker at courses and seminars for universities and business schools. Among others, she gives lectures for the following courses:

  • Master’s in Law, Innovation and Emerging Technologies at the Madrid Bar Association.

  •  Master’s in Intellectual and Industrial Property, Competition and New Technologies at ISDE.

  • Summer Course in Copyright at the Complutense University of Madrid.
